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Today’s sales reps are surrounded by distractions and faced with ever-increasing goals. There is something to do from the second you sit down at your desk until you leave the office, but there is also something to distract every time you set about to start something important. Psychology research is clear that there is a […]
Do you have any New Year resolutions for sales performance improvement? With the hope of change and improvement at the start of a new calendar year, resolutions can be difficult to resist. That’s why so many people have at least one, even if they don’t write it down. Sadly, these goals are often abandoned by […]
Storytelling works in sales because humans experience life as one big story. Scholars like Walter Fischer, a USC professor and researcher, have been have been studying how we interpret our experiences and how that affects human communication for decades. The resulting theory, called the Narrative Paradigm, helps explain why humans are more often persuaded by […]
Many salespeople struggle to find the right words to say and the right way to say them – whether that is to prospects, to their bosses about their work, or in social content if they do that. But that isn’t really the problem. The truth is, sales reps who are struggling to find the right […]
The other day, Spotify offered me a list of my top 100 most listened to songs of 2018. My spouse and I share an account, and I have diverse taste, so the playlist was a total mess. Snoop Dogg with Beethoven? Why not! Despite that, a few gems popped out at me from the list […]
It seems like there are a million blog posts and sales gurus promoting their version of the best sales kickoff meeting. The one theme they are lacking? Suggestions that sales managers should have empathy and care for their sales team. Of course everyone thinks they know what makes a good sales kickoff, because everyone has […]
Sales reps spend an average of 25 hours a month, 15% of their total selling time, leaving voicemails. With pickup rates hovering around 13%, the majority of sales calls go to voicemail, and sales best practices suggest that salespeople should always leave voicemails. Regardless if sales reps are calling leads, prospects or customers, these messages […]
The sales slump is a dangerous place to be. It can happen to everyone, from a first-time sales rep all the way to a veteran enterprise salesperson. It is especially worrisome when the team’s top performer falls into a slump. It can affect whether the entire team meets goal, and damage the morale of the […]
One of the oldest principles of sales is the more time you spend selling, the more revenue you will generate. Unfortunately, as a sales rep, you can’t always focus purely on your sales efforts. Today, reps must juggle responsibilities, carry heavier workloads, and manage multiple sales channels including the phone, email, social, and even in-person […]
It’s time to replace your next team meeting with a customer appreciation workshop Customer appreciation is taken seriously at every company, yet is still probably underinvested at every company. If you spot a gap in your team’s customer engagement and appreciation, it is time to do something drastic. The value of increased engagement and customer […]
Athletes are known for the pre-game rituals they use to prepare themselves for each game. These activities equip them to perform their best and (hopefully) win the game. Sales is no different. It’s important to prepare and be at the top of your game each day to ensure peak productivity. Your morning routine acts as […]
As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s natural to personally count your blessings. But what about professionally? For example, your sales team — Have you shown them gratitude lately for what they do? Like the proverb, “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar”, research by Glassdoor indicates that employee appreciation translates to better retention rates, […]