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One of the most important aspects of outbound sales is ensuring that you have a steady stream of new leads to go after. For many reps, this entails networking with close friends and colleagues in order to drum up new business opportunities. But according to Sales Engine’s CEO Craig Wortmann, most sales reps are approaching networking […]
Does your sales team spend way too much time chasing small deals? Have you become too reliant on inbound lead quality? If so, I have good news – on Tuesday May 19, I’ll be moderating the How to Close Bigger Deals Webinar that will reveal proven ways to blow up the size and scope of your sales […]
Above virtually anything else, establishing credibility is the key to being a successful salesperson. People almost always prefer to buy from brands and individuals that they trust. They are often even willing to pay more to deal with trustworthy vendors. As an example, my mom always takes her car to be serviced at the Toyota dealership. […]
Are sales reps underestimating their ability to close deals? According to a new data from Implisit, account executives are underestimating their ability to close deals. The study, which analyzed data from 500,000 opportunities, reveals that the average rep wins 13% more deals than predicted. In addition, reps are underestimating the time it takes to close deals. […]
In many business-to-consumer (B2C) industries—such as the insurance industry—pricing is everything. But if you’re in B2B sales, and your deals are consistently being won or lost based solely on price, you’re doing something wrong. If you’re consistently having to undercut your competitors’ pricing, then you’re probably telling the wrong sales stories. Here’s the truth: customers […]
11 min read - April 14, 2015
The 20 Best B2B Sales Blogs
We doubt anyone ever chose to be a B2B sales rep because it seemed easy. B2B sales cycles have a reputation for being arduous grinds that require lots of perseverance,  tactical planning and often the use of sales acceleration tools in order to get head-to-head with a key decision maker at the right time. Though closing […]
There are those who still believe in a traditional sales model where sales reps do everything from write proposals to answer inbound calls. However, more and more companies are separating their sales organizations into outbound reps (reps that prospect for new business) and inbound reps (reps that respond to inbound phone calls and web inquiries). The […]
Salesforce and Revenue.io are both fantastic tools for increasing inside sales reps’ productivity. But there’s a little-known (and free) way to make your inside sales team even more productive: the Salesforce console. Put simply, the Salesforce console offers a way for reps to view Salesforce that is more in tune with actual workflow. It can really help […]
B2B marketers often spend hours creating fantastic collateral such as blogs, ebooks, decks and case studies. Sure, this content can be great for generating new leads. But savvy marketers know that sales reps can be using this same content to actually move deals forward. B2B marketers commonly gripe about salespeople not using their content. But […]
In sales, it’s absolutely essential to get your priorities straight. And yet, salespeople are often asked to multi-task.  There are always inbound leads to follow up with, lists to build, demos to give, emails to reply to and new prospects to dial. I even had a job once where I managed paid search campaigns in-between […]
Self-improvement guru Tony Robbins once said “successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.” If you’ve just taken over an inside sales team, consider making this quote your mantra. We recently published an eBook entitled The 90-Day Inside Sales Success Plan. Inside, we interviewed some of the world’s top sales trainers, authors and executives. […]
Far too often, inside sales reps see their manager as the equivalent of a traffic cop hanging around waiting to hand out tickets. But this should virtually never be the case. As an inside sales manager, it shouldn’t be your job to inspire fear. Quotas exist so that salespeople know what is expected of them. And believe me, […]