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Bad news: outbound reach rates are at an all-time low. According to research from TOPO, it now takes 18 or more dials to connect with a prospect over the phone, and call-back rates are below 1%. It’s not difficult to see why. When the phone rings and you see a number you don’t recognize, you probably let it go […]
Hiring a great sales team has simply never been more difficult. According to a report from Harvard Business School’s U.S. Competitiveness Project, “Technical sales and sales-management positions play a critical role for U.S. businesses, but they are among the hardest to fill.” In fact, according to the study, employers spent an average of 41 days […]
I recently read that the average tenure of an inside sales manager is just 18 months. It’s a staggeringly low timeframe considering that by Forrester’s estimate, we CMOs – who once had the least job stability in SaaS – stay in their jobs for five years. That began a quest to find out what challenges sales leaders are facing. We […]
If you’re tasked with outbound sales, connecting with newly hired executives should be your number one priority. Why would you want to do this? It seems almost counterintuitive that you’d want to reach out to a newly hired exec. After all, they haven’t found their rhythm yet, they’re bound to be swamped as they get acclimated, […]
Are you a sales coach or a babysitter? Coaches identify areas for improvement and give reps the tools (both figurative and literal) to reach new goals. Coaches earn their team’s respect. They play the dual roles of team member and leader. And the best coaches make hard work seem fun. Babysitters, on the other hand, […]
One of the most common questions I hear salespeople ask is, “how do I beat my competitors?” As we all know, it tends to be a lot harder to win large deals when you’re competing against other companies (especially ones that may be more established than yours). So if you’re competing for large deals, there’s an […]
When it comes to B2B sales, closing bigger deals is always better, right? Think again! This might sound crazy to some of you, but often, it’s better to start small. This is especially true if you’re selling complex, expensive B2B tech. The reason is that large deals are riskier. Big deals can be difficult to support. And […]
We all want to feel secure in the decisions we make. And it’s a lot easier to make a decision when you know that other people have made a similar decision and feel confident with the results. That’s why referrals and testimonials matter so much in sales. In fact, testimonials are one of the most prominent ways […]
Desktop notifications  are an absolute productivity killer for 99% of people on this planet, and the same is true for about half of sales reps. But for certain types of reps – namely lead qualification reps and account executives – desktop notifications can be a GODSEND. Why? Because desktop notifications can be one of the most powerful […]
Is Q&A platform Quora the most underrated social platform for sales prospectors? According to Datanyze’s co-Founder Ben Sardella it just might be! In a recent webinar that we hosted, Ben advocated using Quora for lead generation and explained how to do it. With just a bit of effort, your business development team can source sales ready-leads. […]
I don’t think anyone ever claimed that prospecting for new B2B leads is an easy task. At any given time, it can be a difficult to know the best prospects to reach out to. I recently had the pleasure of helping to organize a fantastic webinar on B2B sales prospecting. Panelist Ben Sardella, co-founder of Datanyze, […]
It finally happened! After years of speculation, Google recently announced that there are more searches on smartphones than on desktop computers in ten countries (including the US and Japan). So in case there was any doubt, the era of mobile has officially arrived. So what does this mean for your business? Thanks to Google’s click-to-call feature on mobile […]