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Hubspot found that the average sales close rate is between 15 and 27%, depending on the industry. With over 70% of deals falling through, everyone has plenty of lost or dropped sales opportunities in their CRM. These prospects fail to convert numerous reasons, from no decision, postponed, budget constraints, contact departure, to even a slow […]
In B2B sales, the right sales discovery questions are absolutely essential to a successful sale. It is during the discovery period that sales reps can uncover the information that moves deals forward. The find the pains, needs, wants, and problems that the prospect is experiencing and can therefore tailor their sale to their specific use […]
Prospects do not want to be rushed through your buying process while feeling like just another number or box to check. When it comes down to it, buyers purchase from people they like and trust. In both B2C and B2B purchases, buyers develop emotional connections that influence their purchase decisions. To increase your chances of […]
Sales professionals have one of the most straightforward job descriptions out there: sell. However salespeople only spend a third of their time selling, and sales managers spend twice as much time on administrative items than they do coaching their sales teams. Modern salespeople battle two main opponents for their time, communication channels and sales tools. […]
When it comes to the measurement of sales activities, whether it be calls, messages, meetings, or revenue, it all happens through numbers. It’s easy to get lost in the numbers, feel pressured, and rush through each sale as you just look for the close. After all, you have monthly, quarterly, and even annual targets that […]
Sales automation is one of the key factors that will contribute to the success or failure of your team in the next few years. Sales teams require an ever-increasing amount of data in order to make themselves, as well as departments like marketing, support, and product successful. The majority of this data collection has fallen […]
Every sales department has a standard list of discovery call questions they use to weed out disqualified leads and reveal their true buyers. Most commonly, the questions fall in line with their particular lead qualification framework, and cover factors like challenges, purchasing authority, budget, and decision-making process. The problem is that nearly every SDR uses […]
According to CSO Insights, organizations are using an average of 10 sales tools and plan to add another four within the next 12 months. As teams pile on more and more applications in the hopes of finding that “magic bullet” that will let them decimate their quotas, sales technologies stacks continue to expand. But where […]
There are many ways to define a “good” sales rep. It’s common to measure their value with factors like experience, performance record, prior companies, and network. There are also unquantifiable factors like personality, drive, character, temperament, and communication skills. Ultimately, your organization’s definition of a “good” sales rep may be very different than another. Your […]
Less than a decade ago, field sales teams were still norm. But the rise of technological advancements has led to a massive growth of inside sales teams. So much that inside sales recruiting now outpaces that of outside sales (learn the difference between inside sales and outside sales.) Now, rather than geographically spread teams of […]
In its sales operations optimization study, CSO Insights found that sales technology is a key differentiator of high performing sales organizations. In fact, Salesforce found that 88% of high performers use sales technology. It’s easy to see… without sales optimization tools, teams simply waste too much time and lack the capability to effectively sell in […]
Sales coaching is most effective when a formal, well-defined coaching approach is implemented. CSO Insights even found that organizations with a random or informal sales coaching strategy attained win rates below the average of 51.8 percent. While coaching is critical for continuous performance and productivity improvement, it must be a regular, ongoing process. Obviously, sales […]