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There are a few areas that are important to making sure you set people up for success both in setting KPIs and then in making sure they are realistic and achievable. 1. Use proxies – talk to peers in the industry and find out established benchmarks and then try to adjust for your business and its […]
Even LeBron James was a rookie once. But before he ever played a professional game, I remember hearing stories that experts thought that, in high school, he was as good as Michael Jordan was at that age. Sure, you can’t always predict who will pan out to be an all-star (a lot of experts had high hopes […]
What qualities make sales leaders successful? There are several different ways to successfully lead a sales team. Some sales managers are like drill sergeants, the ultimate task masters set on transforming each sales rep into a singular, elite force. Other sales managers lead from the trenches, taking calls right along with SDRs, and taking the […]
For our recent eBook on sales personalization, we asked some sales leaders if they would share the best sales email they ever received. Ambition‘s Director of Marketing, Jeremy Boudinet, shared the following example of a thoughtful and personalized sales email and offered some words on what made it stand out. Subject: Ambition Software Referrals Hey […]
If you’re managing an inside sales team, you’re probably tracking at least a few sales metrics. But if you’re looking for new ways to have the best quarter of your career, try taking a deeper dive. Obvious metrics like revenue per rep and time to close are probably never not going to be in the must-track category. […]
Using email templates can be a great way to save time. Especially if you add personal touches to make them not seem like mindless form letters sent by credit card companies. But if you are going to use email templates, it’s absolutely vital to constantly adjust strategies. Because email templates that have, in the past, […]
This guest post was authored by John Barrows (Owner, jbarrows.com, which features a wide variety of awesome sales training resources).  Marketing automation is starting to come upstream really fast and eat away at the value sales reps provide. Couple this with the amount of information customers have access to and you’re starting to see the […]
When you’re reaching out to new prospects via telephone, there is little room for error. You only have, at most, a minute to convince a prospect to stay on the phone. So how can you get prospects to not only stay on the phone, but engage them enough to convert them into buyers? The answer is that […]
Salespeople must first consider themselves in the prospect’s shoes. When you have purchase authority in your organization, and the marketplace is made aware, you receive solicitation calls and emails throughout your day, every day. Those who differentiate themselves by messaging you the right way, at the right time, with the right information are the ones […]
Let me ask a question that I hope you can answer honestly. How much time are you really spending personalizing each sales email you send? If you’ve been noticing a drop in email response rates (or if they were never exactly soaring to begin with), you’re not alone. Across the board, sales reps are having […]
As virtually every sales rep knows, Local Presence Dialing is a game-changer for outbound inside sales teams. Without localized caller ID, it can be tough to get prospects to pick up their phones. But with it, dialing from local numbers can lift call connection rates by up to 400%. But we here at Revenue.io have never been easily satisfied, and our product […]
Well 2016 is half-over. And I have to say that—already—it’s been my favorite year working on the Revenue.io blog. While we have always had some awesome one-off guest posts here and there, this year we’ve really tried to highlight thought leadership from some of today’s most prominent and up-and-coming sales professionals and entrepreneurs with their […]