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Yesterday, we wrote about why sales kickoff meetings are better now than they were just 10 years ago. Today, we are covering some practical, concrete suggestions you can take to make your sales kickoff fantastic in 2019. Sales kickoff meetings can be expensive. A typical event is a costly company investment averaging $1K – $2K […]
It seems like there are a million blog posts and sales gurus promoting their version of the best sales kickoff meeting. The one theme they are lacking? Suggestions that sales managers should have empathy and care for their sales team. Of course everyone thinks they know what makes a good sales kickoff, because everyone has […]
As a sales rep, you sell more than a product, or a band-aid, you sell a positive change – a future state. You sell the idea that your prospect’s problems will disappear and their life will transform and improve as a result of their purchase. The same principle applies whether you are selling a car, […]
The sales slump is a dangerous place to be. It can happen to everyone, from a first-time sales rep all the way to a veteran enterprise salesperson. It is especially worrisome when the team’s top performer falls into a slump. It can affect whether the entire team meets goal, and damage the morale of the […]
It’s time to replace your next team meeting with a customer appreciation workshop Customer appreciation is taken seriously at every company, yet is still probably underinvested at every company. If you spot a gap in your team’s customer engagement and appreciation, it is time to do something drastic. The value of increased engagement and customer […]
As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s natural to personally count your blessings. But what about professionally? For example, your sales team — Have you shown them gratitude lately for what they do? Like the proverb, “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar”, research by Glassdoor indicates that employee appreciation translates to better retention rates, […]
Sales coaching – everyone says sales managers should do it, and all sales managers think they are doing it. But are you really doing it correctly? If you need to improve your sales coaching game, Start by honestly assessing where you are in your coaching skill set. This doesn’t mean assess how good of a […]
One tenth of a second, that’s just 100 milliseconds. According to research, it’s also how long it takes for someone to form their first impression of you. For what feels like decades, we’ve been taught that our first impression is the key moment that will absolutely make or break any relationship. But how is it […]
As a sales manager, you may be glad to put the days of handling rejection behind you. Let’s be frank: selling is a hard job. Getting hung up on, losing a deal, and being told no sucks. This is why having some empathy for your team is critical. “Salespeople are burning out faster than ever […]
Steve Jobs may have left us seven years ago, but even to this day, the mere mention of his name sparks a range of responses. One of the many things Jobs was known for was his mastery of persuasion. The Walter Isaacson biography of Steve Jobs discusses the “reality distortion field” that was Jobs’ ability […]
In sales, the discovery phase involves smart questions and active listening skills. Any sales training will mention both. However, it is possible to ask questions and use sales listening skills without real empathy. Consider the data from a HubSpot Research study of B2B buyers and sellers: The #1 buyer expectation (69%) is a sales rep […]
There are many professions that review footage of themselves during practice or after competitions. Professional athletes review game footage, musicians listen to recordings of themselves, actors re-watch their reels, pilots check their simulations… the list goes on and on. As a sales rep, you should do the same thing every single time you lose a […]