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Top performing salespeople that improve faster than the rest in their phone sales skills do things a little bit differently. They find ways to coach themselves to success, and they learn the secrets to quickly identify and eliminate bad habits that turn off prospects. The evolution of call recording products has enabled salespeople to do […]
It’s not uncommon for star sales reps to be promoted or otherwise move into sales management. Unfortunately, top salespeople aren’t necessarily the best sales managers. The sales manager is a critical role, and you must select the right person for it. If the wrong individual is chosen, there may be significant costs to your organization. […]
At Revenue.io, we spend a lot of time with inside sales, sales development, and business development teams. Our product is core to their success, so we invest in these teams by listening to their problems, needs, and goals, and then maximizing their benefit from our solution. We keep a close watch on the trends across […]
How effective is your sales coaching? When is the last time you asked yourself this question? It goes without saying, sales coaching is important. Sales coaching differs from sales training in that it is the continuous reinforcement of skills to improve performance over time. If you aren’t sales coaching at all, we’ve covered in depth […]
Cold calling is the hardest thing a salesperson or SDR is asked to do, and for many, it is expected to take up 70% of their time on the job. The result? 42% of reps struggle with prospecting. An anti-cold-call website claims 63% of salespeople say cold calling is what they dislike about their jobs. […]
Some advice just doesn’t work. New parents can relate – they constantly receive unsolicited advice, often based on old wives tales, on parenting from friends, family members, even random people in the grocery store. Smokers from the big tobacco era of yesteryear can relate too. “More Doctors Smoke Camels Than Any Other Cigarette” an ad […]
If you’ve spent any time in sales at all, you likely know that there is a right way and a wrong way to run a sales role-play exercise. Role-plays and are an incredibly powerful sales training tool and are an excellent way for reps to perfect pitches, run in to objections, and practice negotiation tactics […]
Like many things in life, the answer is “it depends.” Live or recorded sales calls are both a critical component of sales coaching. With inside sales teams becoming more prevalent, it’s no wonder that coaching is often at the top of a sales leader’s priority. And for good reason — CSO Insights found that a […]
Want to hear your sales team groan? Tell them that it’s time to do sales role-plays. It’s the activity that sales professionals love to hate because they always seem to feel awkward and uncomfortable. Role playing is dreaded and awkward because it is a cross between public speaking and acting, the soft skills that people […]
The start of a new year and a fresh set of goals means the pressure is on. How well your sales team performs against these goals is in your hands. Your confidence for the coming months hinges on last year’s results – if it was a down year, it is time for a change; chances […]
As a sales rep, even if you receive the greatest sales coaching ever from the best coach, it could still lead to failure. That’s because there is one quality that coaching plans cannot control: the coachability of the salesperson. It is for this reason that Richard Harris states that sales coaching starts at the hiring […]
If you are in sales, chances are you’ve been on a video conference. Video conferencing applications have become a necessity in the business world and are a staple in every company’s technology stack. The prevalence of video is perhaps the most noticeable within sales itself. As the inside sales model firmly establishes itself as the […]