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Strategies to Develop a Better Coaching Habit w/ Michael Bungay Stanier [Episode 246]

Join us as Michael, having trained thousands of coaches, shares some of his key strategies to help you become a better coach.

Michael Bungay Stanier is a senior partner at Box of Crayons and the author of several books, including the bestselling, Do More Great Work, and his latest, The Coaching Habit. With all the talk about coaching that goes on in business, what if coaching was simultaneously more simple to implement and more valuable in its impact than you understand?


Focus on the simple and more basic things, because those are the habits that have the most impact.

How being an effective coach is an essential tool in your leadership arsenal.

The important difference between the power of giving advice & the power of asking questions, and how effective it can be to stay curious—just a little bit longer.

Michael discusses what he means by ‘coaching’, in the context of managing and leading people.

Giving managers practical coaching skills, as a way of interacting with people, has huge benefits in business results.

If you don’t have time to coach somebody in 10 min or less, you don’t have time to coach them.

Michael discusses the 7 Coaching Questions to Master, starting with the Kickstarter question.

What is the AWE question? What makes it the best second question to ask? Why is it so powerful?


What’s your most powerful sales attribute?

Having the sense of, “I’m not about the hard sale, I’m more about the longer term relationship and the longer term impact”.

Who is your sales role model?

One of the people I look to is David Allen, author of Getting Things Done.

What’s one book that every salesperson should read?

Helping: How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help, by Edgar H. Schein

What music is on your playlist right now?

We’ve just invested in Apple Music, so it’s kind of an eclectic playlist at the moment, but when it comes down to it, I’m a Bob Dylan fan!