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How to Replace Your Outdated Sales Processes w/ Bobbie Foedisch [Episode 238]

Among the topics Bobbie and I discuss in this episode are how sales reps need to replace their old-fashioned sales processes with modern techniques to identify and engage with prospects

Joining me on this episode is Bobbie Foedisch, Founding Partner and Chief Social Selling Officer at All About Leverage. Bobbie shares here strategies for using social media to turn cold calls into warm leads to fill your funnel and for increasing your conversion and retention rates.

MORE ABOUT Bobbie Foedisch

What’s your most powerful sales attribute?

Speaking – being able to engage one or 500 people on the content I’m speaking about.

Who is your sales role model?

Shout-outs to: Scott Messer of Sales Revolution, Steve Kloyda of Prospecting Expert, and some of the top social media experts like Koka Sexton from LinkedIn.

What’s one book that every salesperson should read?

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, by Malcolm Gladwell

What music is on your playlist right now?

I have a lot of Motown on there, but I listen to everything.