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Better Communication for B2B Selling w/ Craig Walker [Episode 740]

Craig Walker, CEO of Dialpad, joins me on this episode.

Episode Summary

Craig Walker and some co-workers at Google Voice noticed that businesses were adopting cloud productivity suites. They recognized that business communications also belonged in the cloud and such could be used for improving sales. Craig and his associates left Google and co-founded Dialpad in 2011, offering cloud communication services. Their products are UberConference, DialpadTalk, DialpadSell, DialpadSupport, and AI that instantly converts conversations to text and suggests content in real-time for you to use in conversations. Craig explains DialpadSell and TalkIQ.

Sales performance is worsening even while we are in the Golden Age of tech. Good sales reps want to improve. TalkIQ AI can help them improve their practices and performance. Sales people who lack the will for improving sales cannot easily be helped to change. Andy talks about his company’s curated book club for sales teams. Andy notes the shortcomings of some tech being used today. Craig describes the advantages of having a sales tool such as Voice Intelligence in your sales conversations.

Episode Transcript

Andy Paul 0:00
It’s time to Accelerate. Hey friends, this is Andy. Welcome to Episode 740 of Accelerate the sales podcast of record. Hey, I have another excellent episode lined up for you today. Joining me as my guest on this week’s show is Craig Walker. Craig is the co-founder and CEO of Dialpad. We’re talking about this technology sales technology, in particular, there has been a tremendous number of new sales tech solutions hit the mark over the past few years. And the question has been and still is, to some degree, is it actually helping sales? And by helping, I mean, not this we can make more dials or send more emails. But are we using this great sales technology to actually close more deals, improve our win rates, boost our true sales productivity? And if we’re getting the full benefit of these tools, how could we use them better? So that’s what we’re talking about. Make sure you stick around for that. Alright, let’s jump into it. Craig. Welcome to the show. So for people that maybe aren’t familiar with Dialpad may take a moment to explain what Dialpad does.

Craig Walker 3:15
Yeah, sure. My co-founders used to run the Google Voice product. And so we this was like 2008/2009/2010. And we started seeing more and more businesses moving to the cloud for Google G Suite and their email, right, and, you know, documents and calendar and all that stuff. And we realized, once your company moves to the cloud for basically its Productivity Suite. The idea of having a phone system or communication system that’s built around your desk and built around a desk phone made no sense at all. So, you know, back then it was a little bit of a gamble, whether CIOs, whatever trust the cloud for their critical voice conversation. But we bet that they would. And it just gives you so many more benefits. And so we left the company left, Google started this company in 22,011. And so what we do is basically the entire enterprise voice product suite. So we have a conference conferencing system called Uber conference, we have a phone some I’m a subscriber to, yes, it’s got millions of users on it, there’s something nice about just having a simple way to hop on a call and not have to enter pins and not have to do a whole bunch of nonsense to get going. We do that then we do Dialpad talk which is our phone system replacement that uses your mobile phone and your laptop and your computer much more than being built around a desktop and then we have to, to call center products called dial pad cell and dial pad support. And so it kind of something uses software versus desk phones, and really allows you to be you know, as modern, flexible and mobile-friendly are you know, as humanly And then the last thing is we acquired an artificial intelligence company that now can convert all those conversations into text instantly. And from those texts, you know, you, for an end-user, you don’t have to take notes, you can focus on the conversation. And for the company, you know, you can start doing things like popping up the right answer if someone asks a question, or how do you handle this objection in a sales context? Or if you know, you’re, you have a BDR on the phone, and someone mentions your competitor, you know, how, what’s the battle card against that particular competitor? So it’s like really adding a lot more capabilities to a phone call, rather than just connecting to people?

Andy Paul 5:39
Yeah. Well, I want to definitely dig into that a little bit more as we go through the conversation. So I think companies are still sort of trying to figure out sort of this whole unified communications as a service platform. idea. I mean, maybe, yeah, I know one of your competitors just entered into a big deal with a via which seems like it adds a lot of sort of validation to the whole segment.

Craig Walker 6:04
Yeah, I mean, I think it’s kind of a no brainer that, that every single company is going to move to the cloud for their communications, like the idea of managing big giant phone systems and doing your own patches and updates and wiring and things like that just makes no sense. And it really is like tears. When you look at the UK space, most of our competitors were built, trying to replicate exactly what Avaya or Cisco did a threat, just like, exactly, just serve it from the cloud, right? Whereas we wanted to look at it as, hey, we think the way people work is changing, and it’s much more fluid and much more mobile and much more dynamic, that we don’t just want to give you a subscription version of Cisco or Avaya, we actually want to make something different and unique and more compelling. So I think that’s probably our biggest difference.

Andy Paul 6:54
What does that feel like to the user then that’s the difference.

Craig Walker 7:01
Yeah, the nice thing about I’d say the biggest difference is you’re using your own cell phone and you’re using your own laptop or, or computer, like your phone rather than having, you know, $1,000 Cisco piece of hardware on your phone with a bunch of buttons that you’re trying to figure out how to how to use. So it really is, it’s just, the nice thing about having it in software versus hardware is, you know, we can push updates or new features every week or so. And you just automatically get them versus, that’s always been the problem with hardware, you can only put like, a new patch, you know, once or twice a year and it’s a big deal to get it in there. Whereas, you know, Software as a Service, it just kind of continues to keep getting better and giving you more functionality. So, so just like get a little more modern. And it’s just a recognition that people are working from anywhere, at any time for you and me from home that day after Thanksgiving. And, you know, being free from sitting in front of a phone on your desk. Kinda like that liberating piece.

Andy Paul 8:02
Yeah. Let’s remember the last time I had a phone on my desk anyway.

Craig Walker 8:06
Yeah, yeah, exactly. But if you look at the market, though, there’s like 500 million business class phones, and only about 10 million of those have moved to the cloud. So there’s still this massive massive market that’s coming.

Andy Paul 8:22
Oh, yeah, no, absolutely. Well, that’s a thing. So I start fast about the pace of technological changes. You know, we think there’s huge uptake But yeah, I worked on Apple in the early days and people said, Oh, it’s only a few years till everyone has a PC. Oh, yeah. Turned out to be 1520 years before you know that number hit like 75% or something. It took longer. The same thing with broadband, even in the home it took longer than people anticipated it would.

Craig Walker 8:49
It will particularly when you have you know, enterprises and CIOs who’ve been in these jobs for decades, right, like the idea of ripping something else out that makes them really, really comfortable. To put it all in the cloud is actually gonna take a while, like, you look at giant things like, you know, large financial institutions or the federal government, like, those are a ton of seats. And it’s gonna be a long time before they’re, you know, they’re aggressive enough to move all that stuff to the cloud. So there’s you have this long tail of laggards, basically.

Andy Paul 9:20
Yeah, though the government’s just in the process of ordering that what $50 billion. You know, cloud contract. Still TBD? I presume to happen is part of that at some point?

Craig Walker 9:32
I wonder? I don’t think so. I know, at some point in the future, it should be but I don’t think it is part of that one.

Andy Paul 9:37
Interesting. What about so what about mission-critical applications? Like, you know, trading desks and so on? Do they still need to have dedicated lines or can they,

Craig Walker 9:46
I mean, it’s a at the end of the day, at the end of the day, like, if you believe that networks and connectivity improve every single year, there’s going to be a point where the benefits of moving even that to the cloud outweigh the risk of Oh my god, what happens if the cloud goes down? You know, the cloud is now about 10 years old. It’s getting more and more reliable every single day like you remember in like, three, four, or five years ago used to see, there would be like an Amazon outage and like, all these websites would be down for a day. It’s been a long time since you knock on wood. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard of one of those things happening. And I think it’s as, as the cloud providers realize that they’re getting more and more mission-critical apps running on their clouds. They’ve done a lot in the back end to make sure that they have the redundancy and reliability to make sure that it continues to work in all cases. So at some point, yes, like the trading desk, even hospitals and you know, emergency responders should all be cloud-based.

Andy Paul 10:48
Yeah, I was thinking in terms of traders without getting off the point to watch this. You know, they’ve now got this program not now but yeah, they’ve developed the quants developed this program trading regimen that is based on receiving information, you know, fractions. A second faster than I’d rather get on arbitrage on the difference. So

Craig Walker 11:04
yeah, I think I think Yeah, those, those, whatever get make those as fast as humanly possible they’re going to do. Yeah. But as far as hopping on a phone call and taking a trade order from a customer, yeah, no doubt that ultimately get to the cloud. Yeah,

Andy Paul 11:19
So let’s talk about the Dialpad cell. You talked about that. Is it purely a call center? Or is it also for sales teams itself?

Craig Walker 11:29
Yeah, it’s, it’s both. Think of it as an inbound sales line that can distribute to all your agents. And you can have all these different routing rules. You know, if they don’t answer in a certain quick amount of time it gets to the next one, or the longest idle person or you just have a fixed order. Like, you can set it up however you want, and had one customer set it up where they didn’t want the BDRs to know where they were in the queue. So it’s literally like a random assignment. Yeah, like everyone’s like ready to grab the phone as soon as it comes in. Like, if you don’t answer within 10 seconds, you’re out and it goes to the next guy. So it’s a really powerful inbound one. And then for outbound calling, it does, like it can do auto-dialing or power dialing lists that comes out of your Salesforce record. It’ll show your local number or like if you’re dialing so you know, local Plains, New York, it’ll show the local presence. If you catch a voicemail system, it’ll leave a voicemail message and get you on to the next call. So it’s kind of like an inbound and outbound. Got it.

Andy Paul 12:32
So then you just also recently acquired Talk IQ. So let’s walk through what that means. That’s a service, you’re taught that contextual help within a call.

Craig Walker 12:44
Exactly. So every layer, what we saw was every single phone or telephony provider is really focused on connecting the two endpoints and making that a really high-quality connection, which now feels like table stakes, right? How do we add more to that? How do we make it better So, before we bought this artificial intelligence company, we do things like show you the LinkedIn profile of the person you’re calling or the person who’s calling you and give you some additional context outside of just the phone number coming in? But then when we bought this AI company, what they did, which was really fascinating, they were funded by Salesforce and some other top tier VCs is they have the ability to optimize their engine for the phone call, which is interesting, like eight-kilohertz audio it was optimized for. And then secondly, they did the Asr, where they convert it into text in real-time. So so it’s not just like the call ends and then it converts into tax and then your manager can get some insights of, Oh, you did a terrible job of objection handling here. Great job closing there. It can now that it happens in real-time, if I’m the rep in front of my computer, as we’re having this conversation. If you were to ask me, you know, how are you guys different from ring Central Bank like it would pull up within half a second, a battle card of how do we handle that question? Or if the guy’s hemming and hawing and won’t, you know won’t commit to a next meeting or a follow-up, it can coach you how to apply urgency how to like, offer a discount, give you pricing like, basically anything you want to set up based off anything that the prospect or the customer says you can actually customize for yourself. So triggered by keywords triggered by keywords. And then the AI or machine learning on top of that is that beyond keywords they can there’s probably 1000 ways to discuss, you know what the pricing is or timing or positive or negative sentiment. And that’s where the AI machine learning actually comes into play where it’s like, Okay, this is what they’re really saying here is they’re interested in buy, even though they don’t come out and say it so like figuring out those nuances and patterns is really where the AI kicks in beyond just keywords.

Andy Paul 14:59
Yes. I think this is a fascinating topic. Because, yeah, I love technology embrace technology. But also, yeah, we have to be cognizant of what the potential impacts are to sellers. One of the problems we have in sales is widely acknowledged, is it? Yeah, we have this trend where sellers tend to be a little robotic. Yeah. Right. Because I’ve got my list of scripted questions like I follow my list of scripted questions. And, and, yeah, we’re constantly feeding people information. Are we a sort of taking away their agency does not agree. And be? Yeah, do they stop thinking altogether?

Craig Walker 15:52
That’s, you know, it’s I’ve probably discussed this 100 times. I’ve never had that question before. I don’t think so. I think at the end of If I’m on a call, and you and I are having a conversation, and you ask me things, and I’m well trained, and I know the answer, I’m just I’m, I’m just handling it, right. But I think where it helps is when you’re in a situation where you don’t know the answer, or you may be a little flexible or, or you’re going on, and you’ve kind of lost your train of thought, or you’ve lost something you like. You can do all sorts of guide rails kind of get you back into the flow of the conversation of, hey, Craig, you’re speaking at 145 words a minute, you know, this probably isn’t optimal, slow down, take a breath. Just little things like that can make the experience so much better.

Andy Paul 16:42
I mean that that to me is that’s something useful, right? Yeah, you’re on 148. We know Max is 150 that people can really absorb. So yeah, take it down. Take it down a bit. Take a deep breath. Absolutely.

Craig Walker 16:57
Ask more open-ended questions like you can start to seem like the percentage of how much you’re speaking versus the other person. There’s sure there’s a lot of things that still gives you all the agency and the creativity, but just kind of keeps you within those guideposts.

Andy Paul 17:11
Yeah, I’m at, we have the third-largest issue and in sales, and some of its being spurred by, you know, the conversational intelligence systems that are out there young cores, Revenue.io, all everybody is that is there are a couple of those companies particular that, you know, talk quite a bit about what they think they’re learning from, from the data that they collect, which I would contend aren’t valid lessons, right, that can really be applied on a one on one basis. So it’s, yeah, to me, it’s like, well, how do okay, how do we take this and really use it in a way that improves the individual? Within the context of the individual, as opposed to what I believe is happening is oftentimes the way it’s being used today is, hey, here’s the word that the top reps use at this point in the conversation that does this, and we’re trying like everybody To be like the top rep, but they can’t be that we want them to be as the best version of themselves. Yeah. So so how do we use the technology to accomplish that? Because I think that’s true of sales technology in general, we’ve, we’re sort of this golden age with our sales, engagement platforms, and so on and so forth. But if we look at sort of the external statistics reporting for like CSO insights in the rest is, hey, we’re actually getting worse at sales and beaten down. Yeah, so so it’s sort of the irony that in the era of the Golden Age of sales technology, that performance seems to be declining, which to me doesn’t say the technology is not good. It says we don’t know how to use it. Yep. To make the improvements that we need.

Craig Walker 18:41
I kind of have a theory that’s a little bit over-dependent on technology. So like, it’s almost like remembering the beginning of Top Gun, and then talking about how the kill ratio went down during the Vietnam War because everyone was relying on technology to go and they set up you know, they set up the top To teach him, you know, the right art of the dog fight again and really give them talents. It’s, I think it’s kind of the same way as we have more. We have outreach, we have all these sequences, all these patterns, all these things that are supposed to find you like the hot lead who’s ready to talk to you right then. And there’s a lot of automation, there’s a lot of scripts, there’s almost too much just reliance on automation, and hoping that people are just going to answer emails and buy stuff. So I mean, I think it is a little bit more of the part of the reason why sales performance goes down is there’s probably less selling going on. And there’s more time dealing with these tools and dealing with hopefully automated things that make it easier.

Andy Paul 19:40
Yeah, I think we get people I think people are looking for the easy in there, right? But I mean, there was this great article in the recent New Yorker profile of Roger McNamee. And yeah, he’s on sort of a campaign sort of anti survey account. Yeah, the campaign was a great quote, he says, you know, what the goal of relative law sales tech companies to us is saying is that the goal is to eliminate uncertainty in decision making. And, and I, and I think that’s, that’s sort of the issue we’re running into is, is, to your point, you just made this everyone’s easy. But then if they really stop thinking this is still a human business, after all, I mean, yeah. Is it I think that accounts for a good portion of this are, so what are we What’s happening? What are we creating in terms of culture when that’s the case because these tools are only gonna become more capable? How do we reduce the learning curve, I guess, is really the question to get to a point where they’re actually helping us.

Craig Walker 20:54
Yeah, I think that I mean, that’s, that’s the ultimate goal of all these things, right. Like the goal isn’t I don’t think the goal is to say, Hey, here’s the perfect script, say these words and then just hang up and go do it again.

Andy Paul 21:05
Well, I think I think for a lot of people it is though, right? I think for a lot of sales leaders, that’s exactly what they want. Because otherwise, they have to get their hands dirty and get in and really, you know,

Craig Walker 21:16
I think that’s kind of you know, that’s, that’s gonna be unobtainium, right? So, I mean, I think it’s, like, I like the idea of being able to use this conversational intelligence or the, you know, the voice intelligence that you have to not just make everyone a robot, but to like, My belief is every sales rep wants to improve personally like it, let’s not just create tools for the manager to be able to coach you better, but for the rep themselves, at the end of the call to be able to say, okay, hey, here’s, here’s how you did on this call in these various pieces. Here’s how your pitch was, here’s how your clothes were, here’s an objection handler, here’s how your demo, whatever it is, and give me the ability to say hey, here’s how Some other people who have been pretty successful in yours, have done it. So here’s a clip from, you know, from some sales calls that went well, where they actually closed the deal or where they advanced it down the pipeline in Salesforce. And you can start pulling in that, that actual data of what’s happening in your CRM to kind of say, Okay, did this even like number one? Did that conversation, advance the close or not? And if you see the thing, continuing down down your Salesforce funnel, you can say, Okay, that was a successful call, because it’s now on to the next stage, we set up the meeting, or we set up the in-person demo or whatever it is. And using that, to feed it back in and to say whether or not that was a successful call, I think is a little more valuable than saying, Hey, here’s my top Rep. Here’s the words, he says, go replicate him. So but I mean, like at the end of the day, it’s still is relatively early in this process. I think. Anything that gives people the ability to self improve gives managers the ability to coach better is a good thing. I

Andy Paul 23:04
Absolutely agree. I’m less convinced that every salesperson wants to get better, which I think is one of which, which I, which I think is really one of the fundamental issues from our culture. Well, but that’s sort of an interesting point, though is, you know, I was talking to somebody about this yesterday, or a couple of days ago in a conversation and interview was having and, and was like, we’re talking about sales books, right. And you know, who read sales books? And it’s like, well, yeah, people read sales books that people that you know, the 20% that want to get better. It’s like, Well, how do we set up a learning culture within our organization so that we expose and engage everybody to some degree of learning, to maybe inspire them to want to get better?

Craig Walker 23:53
Yeah, I did. It’s interesting how you see it. It’s most obvious in sales, but you see it in other roles too. Like, it’s a skill and will and you know, like, you can learn the skills but you can’t it’s really difficult to learn they will. Right? Yes. So the best sales guys I’ve seen are the ones who are gonna be successful no matter what right and like almost it’s almost you know, it’s almost the bell curve of the population and you gotta just do as best as you can to like to try to attract and retain and promote and create a culture that makes that type of person feel super successful and supported and then hopefully you’re able to get more and more of those in but yeah I’m there’s plenty of people who look fantastic on paper and then you get them in and they just don’t have the will to do it no matter what their prior successes were.

Andy Paul 24:44
Yeah, no apps absolutely well, are we relaxed hiring standards to bring people in but perhaps you know if our fillers or whatever. But yeah, I think one thing I’ve found was company offers is we do a curated book clubs for companies. And, and we do a 10 book list over 12 months, provide reading guides, discussion, discussion guides. So like, it’s almost, it’s turnkey. So if you’re a sales leader, you know, you’ve got 15 minutes to something skills related training related to talking about every sales meeting. Everybody reads on a schedule. And you find a level of engagement is astounding. Yeah. But people would not normally read a book or take an online class or looking at a video that is like, well, this is cool. What’s the next thing we’re reading?

Craig Walker 25:31
Yeah. Well, I didn’t. I didn’t expect to be convinced to buy something on a podcast. But that sounds awesome.

Andy Paul 25:47
So while we start covered, one of the tops I want to talk about is just in general is technology helping sales and it’s to me it’s like so much unfulfilled potential because yeah, I’m a little bit older than, and then some people in sales. Yeah, for me one of the first big, you know, technological revolution since the beginning of my career was FedEx, just to show how far back things go. But at the same time, we’re still selling large complex systems, you know, 10s of millions of dollars worth, the large enterprise could, yeah, it could work a major account without the technology. So it’s like, sometimes it feels like the technology serves as a solution seeking a problem. Yeah. But the problems are there. Yeah. It’s just like, are we identifying them right and using, as I said, the learning curve with technology and sellers is to me as the big thing and sales enablement being another thing now it’s like, This is valuable. How are we using for it’s just a service just to serve up the right content at the right time?

Craig Walker 27:01
I don’t think you’re ever going to be at the point of just grabbing someone off the street, putting them in front of a thing. Say, okay, say what this thing tells you to say. When it tells you to say it, I think you’re doing the whole thing like you’re you know, you’re recruiting you’re finding your, your, you know, your ideal candidate profile, you’re, you’re training them on the products or training them on on the market, you’re training them on the pain points. And then you’re hopefully training them on how they’re performing. The one nice thing about the technology though, is whether your manager is great at following up or providing coaching, etc. You at least get that automated piece of that coaching, you have access to the data yourself to go, if so inclined to improve. You have tools that are going to allow you to be able to do that.

Andy Paul 27:49
Yeah. Well, that’s why I think the contextual help in a call is exciting. Right? I mean, to me, that’s, that’s if you’re done in such a way that’s forcing them to think not giving them the answers in the call, then I think, okay, we’ve got something that can really help sellers improve because it’s not like there’s a certainty. Even with all our best information, we’re still dealing with people. It’s not like, hey, the suggestion is this is absolutely what they’re gonna do. But it’s like, have you thought of at this point? And then I thought, Okay, then we get people thinking because this is my big concern is probably guessed and sales are I see too many sellers. So wedded to a process so wedded to their activity numbers, the and the metrics that they’re gauged on that, you know, I think we have the wrong set of metrics and the behaviors are such that we’re just sort of talking past behavior and automating it, which is not good because it wasn’t good behavior in the past.

Craig Walker 28:50
Yeah, you don’t want to automate past bad behavior, that’s for sure.

Andy Paul 28:55
Yeah. Which I think is sort of what we’ve done in sales to a large degree and it’s, it’s Yeah, as you can tell, I don’t really have the answers. But I think, yeah, there are ways we could do better. And I, but I think Part two is we just don’t give ourselves the time, because everybody’s so pressed will grow quickly wants to scale quickly. And we’ve got sort of the self-perpetuating vicious cycle where we’re trying to bring in all this new exciting technology into sales. Yeah, we try to scale quickly grow quickly, and something suffers. And, at least, you know, by knowledge, some of the companies I work with, like in the SAS business and others that I’ve seen their win rates drop pretty substantially more than they exist at low levels. That to me, unless you’re a unicorn with, you know, hitting the right market at the right time. It’s not sustainable.

Craig Walker 29:48
Interesting. Interesting. I think it’s also we see a lot of and I see a lot of B2B SaaS companies that that’ll do things like, you know, gear up for a big you know, like the bringing a new CRM and they’ll want to make a big push into it of a large enterprise and then it’s a really expensive go to market function. And they’re going all-in they bring in, you know, really expensive CRM who’s been successfully doing it somewhere else then brings in his really expensive raps. And then you have this like all this other supporting infrastructure of, you know, everything that needs to support an enterprise deployment and everything from BDR to field marketing to events, channel to customer success to account management, like, you end up having this aircraft carrier battle group of cost, right. And then, you know, frankly, you know, that product may not be ready to go compete against SAP or something. So it’s a lot of it is product-market fit and timing and focus and segments and things like that.

Andy Paul 30:51
Which from the rep standpoint and it sort of relates what you’re talking about. It’s like, sometimes. So that’s it takes longer and people want to give it. Yeah, I use the analogy of an athlete you know somebody like Steph Curry when he came into the NBA. Yeah, benefits first year wasn’t toward the end of the first job. I literally thought, yeah, maybe he’s, you know, big enough can withstand he’s got the game to play in this league. And, and so, you know, if we’re using like a typical sort of sales example 90 days done on board not real good.

Craig Walker 31:33
I’ve well it’s, you kind of get, you could kind of get into this trap of, of the financial model to like. Okay, so, the model assumes, you know, 90 days, 20-day ramp, right? And then you’re like, Okay, and if I just add this many more people that you know, like, my productivity is going to go up like this. I’m going to have growth at X percent because I have this many sellers all now fully. ramped, all being productive and all crushing it. And it’s the last part of all crashes. It’s always I think everyone’s challenge. I’m really it’s an interesting time and dynamic particularly for, you know, for startups, where you want to have real high top-line growth. And then now kind of like balancing that with a post we work world of, but be financially disciplined and don’t just burn cash. So it’s it’ll be interesting over the next kind of year or two are people balanced those two, those two competing, you know, the impetus of growing fast, don’t burn as much cash grow fast, figure out how to be profitable.

Andy Paul 32:44
Well, yeah. And so I think that’s why it’s a perfect time for perhaps a company like yours. And the product you have is that in those instances, then the emphasis has to be on productivity. You know sales productivity is dollars of revenue generated per hour of sales time. Yeah, it just it’s, you know, a typical measure of productivity, which we tend to want to ignore and sales. But that, you know, is one that especially if you’re trying to be conservative with your cash and still grow, that has to do with emphasis, right? How do I generate for every hour? They’re in front of a customer? How can I generate more dollars? Exactly. And having a tool where you can actually help people achieve that? Yeah, it becomes pretty important.

Craig Walker 33:34
Yeah, the thing that we like about having it just built into your phone calls is you’re gonna be on the phone calls anyway. Right? So, so having this additional functionality and capturing all that stuff and being able to potentially improve a call. It’s not like it’s an additional thing where you have to do anything unnatural or something get in front of a certain client or do a certain thing. It just naturally happens at the core of our service. So, when I think of like, you know, sales reps, driving home, catching a sales call on your mobile phone, you know if when I get off that call am I going to pull into the house and go enter my notes into Salesforce, probably not gonna walk in see my wife and kids and like, be forgotten about it. But just having all that automatically go into Salesforce, having that turned into text, having it summarized up here with the action items and the next steps just out of that call. Those three are kind of like, in addition to the coaching pieces, just, you know, just making sure that everything’s put in the right place. So when things do happen, you know, what happened is another benefit of having a real modern platform that yeah, that those types of integrations and those types of capabilities should hopefully make you a better sales organization.

Andy Paul 34:58
Yeah, I can serve as you’re talking certain vision the day in my Tesla told us to drive me home. I’m on a call on the heads up display on my windshield. It’s giving me the in call moments. Yeah, that sounds awesome. Not I won’t be driving on the highway. What else? What else is doing that? nonetheless. All right. Well, Craig, it’s been great talking to. So tell folks how they can find out more about Dialpad and connect with you. Okay, friends, that was Accelerate for the week. First of all, as always, I want to thank you for joining me and I want to thank my guests Craig Walker.