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Proper questions are one of the most powerful tools that B2B reps have. When they ask the right questions, reps don’t only find which prospects are a suitable fit, they also discover what pain points each prospect is experiencing and the goals they seek to accomplish. The right questions also provide visibility into the competitive […]
In B2B sales, the right sales discovery questions are absolutely essential to a successful sale. It is during the discovery period that sales reps can uncover the information that moves deals forward. The find the pains, needs, wants, and problems that the prospect is experiencing and can therefore tailor their sale to their specific use […]
Just because a lead has been qualified, it doesn’t mean they are going to become a customer. Although it varies by industry, research has shown that only 20-30% of sales qualified leads (SQLs) close. That means that there are many prospects that fall out of the funnel during your sales process. It’s just as well, […]
What is a lead qualification framework and why is it important? We all have to make decisions. Some of these are easier than others. When it comes time to make a decision, whether it’s what shirt to purchase, if we should go to that expensive restaurant, if we should splurge on a new TV, or […]
Steve Jobs may have left us seven years ago, but even to this day, the mere mention of his name sparks a range of responses. One of the many things Jobs was known for was his mastery of persuasion. The Walter Isaacson biography of Steve Jobs discusses the “reality distortion field” that was Jobs’ ability […]
Everyone in sales has likely made a discovery call at one time or another.  The discovery call is a crucial component of the sales process. It allows reps to qualify a prospect and gather information to be leveraged throughout the sales process in order to generate a win. However, not all discovery calls are created […]