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Who doesn’t want to schedule more meetings from their cold calls? Your performance on cold calls can be the difference between hitting your goals or falling short of your target. You can work as best you can to get past the gatekeeper and perfect your pitch, but one of the best advice for a successful […]
One tenth of a second, that’s just 100 milliseconds. According to research, it’s also how long it takes for someone to form their first impression of you. For what feels like decades, we’ve been taught that our first impression is the key moment that will absolutely make or break any relationship. But how is it […]
It’s easy to rely on “show and tell” when communicating with prospects, especially when reps are following a tried and tested sales process. When it comes to SaaS products for instance, a demo could involve a screen share where a rep jumps right into showing off the product by highlighting its main features. But what […]
The sales pitch is a cornerstone of the sales process. Whether it is on the phone, in person, or through email, your pitch is the crucial first impression. Sales organizations have perpetually devoted time, energy, and resources to improving their pitches, but you can take actions that help gradually improve your pitching over time. We’ve […]
This column was originally published on Entrepreneur.com on June 16, 2016. As my company’s founder, I was essentially its first sales rep. But as we’ve grown, I’ve needed to scale sales and hire new reps. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned from growing a sales team is that spending time with newly hired […]
Imagine someone interrupts your busy day with a phone call. They don’t greet you by name or ask how you are, they go straight into pushing a product on you that doesn’t solve any of the problems that you’re currently facing, They haven’t asked you any questions, they’ve just spoken. By the end of it, […]