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Cold Emails are Essential To Sales Cold emails and sales go together like peanut butter and jelly. In fact, it’s nearly impossible to have one without the other. Cold emails serve as an excellent starting point for any sales process, and can make a great introduction that gets any deal started in the right direction. […]
Email is one of the best tools a salesperson can have. It is highly efficient, can easily contact mass amounts of leads and prospects within minutes, and can be highly targeted to a sales reps’ most relevant audiences. Sales emails can also be used in conjunction with sales calls, as they increase the effectiveness of […]
Sales prospecting is incredibly difficult. If you have a manager-level title or above, you’re probably inundated with a stream of emails and InMail from B2B sales reps trying to make deals. Let’s be honest, none us us have time to read them all, let alone respond. According to research from TOPO, only 29% of sales emails […]
For our recent eBook on sales personalization, we asked some sales leaders if they would share the best sales email they ever received. Ambition‘s Director of Marketing, Jeremy Boudinet, shared the following example of a thoughtful and personalized sales email and offered some words on what made it stand out. Subject: Ambition Software Referrals Hey […]
Let me ask a question that I hope you can answer honestly. How much time are you really spending personalizing each sales email you send? If you’ve been noticing a drop in email response rates (or if they were never exactly soaring to begin with), you’re not alone. Across the board, sales reps are having […]
I can’t stress how important writing great emails are to succeeding as an SDR. Prospecting emails have to be great because you not only want to provoke a reply, but it’s also a branding exercise. Prospective customers may not be familiar with your company, and a great email can help shape their impression. I recently blogged […]
Sending mass emails should be Marketing’s job. Salespeople need to build relationships. With that in mind, I’m going to share with you a shining example of a sales rep who did just that. The best sales email that I received all year was from Adam Brophy over at UberFlip. Not only did I respond to Adam’s […]
Whether your sales development reps are working leads from marketing lists or building their own lists of leads, they need to be able to write engaging emails. In fact, as we mentioned previously, one of the most important skills that a sales development rep (SDR) can possess is the ability to write killer prospecting emails. Many companies have […]